Headaches in children and the reasons behind it
Headaches in children are very common and usually, they're not serious. Montessori teachers in their experience have faced children complaining that they are having headaches while at school. So why do children have headaches? There can be many reasons why a child is having a headache. Conditions like stress, poor eyesight, lack of sleep, and many other physical problems can cause headaches. It is imperative to learn the causes. Then only you will be able to help the child combat and prevent it from occurring. Read through this blog post to understand the different causes of headaches in children. Illness Illness like cold, fever, flu, etc. are the most common cause of headaches in preschoolers and toddlers. Once you treat the root cause of infection or illness, they normally resolve by themselves. The headache in these cases is a symptom of dehydration caused by the illness. Emotional stress You will be surprised to know that children in preschools ca...