6 Ways to Curb Aggressive Behavior in Kids

If as a parent of a preschooler you have noticed your kids are being rude or exhibiting any form of aggressive behavior, then it is important to realize that this may lead to some serious issues for them later. But kids will probably think that this kind of behavior is normal and acceptable unless they are taught that it is not. So, if you are worried about how this behavior can be changed, then you have reached the right place. Here Montessori teachers have shared a curate list of 7 ways to curb your child's aggressive behavior.


Communicate: Have open communication with your kids and help them understand that aggressive behavior is unacceptable and may become a hindrance to their healthy development. Keep on telling them to consider and respect the other person’s feelings and emotions. You can also help them realize that the person they were being aggressive with is just like them and have the same feelings.


Adopt the Consequential Approach: If you do not see any changes in their behavior, attach consequences to it and inform them about that. For example, if you see your child constantly hurting their friends or even you, tell them the effect it will have on the abused person, and also the negative consequences it will have on them. As you start talking about these consequences, most probably they will ingrain that it is unacceptable to be violent or rude to anybody.


Suggest Alternative Ways to Manage Their Aggressive Urges: In Preschool San Dimas, CA playschools, teachers to their students and discuss the other alternative ways to manage their aggressive behavior. For example, you can suggest to them that whenever they feel excessively angry, they should try to indulge themselves in activities like drawing out their emotions. In fact, writing down how they are feeling presently or playing with their favorite toys, or distracting themselves in some other ways that make them happy will also help them to calm down. Once they are feeling calm, they can discuss the whole thing with the person it concerns and decide what needs to be done.


Ask for Suggestion: If your kids show aggressive behavior quite often, try to have open conversations with them. Tell them how you would have handled aggressiveness in a way that they can understand and then ask them for suggestions on how they would like to handle such situations next time.


Appreciate good behavior: In Preschool, teachers always try to appreciate good behavior in kids. If you see your child taking positive steps to ensure that they do not get violent when they are angry or upset with someone or something, please encourage that behavior and appreciate them.


Think before act: As parents, you can teach your child to think about the consequence of their actions before they act. Help your child develop self-control and self-discipline.

Please remember if you are trying to curb your children’s aggressive behavior, you need to stay calm and positive as this will help them to control and express their feelings more confidently and responsibly.


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