How to help your toddler to speak?

The start of speaking for a child starts from the day they start to hear. This is a very beautiful moment when parents start to hear their baby's first voice, but they have to put in lots of effort. In this post, you will get the answer to a few questions related to your child's speech. As parents, it is your responsibility to help your baby speak. Here, Day Care San Dimas CA experts have mentioned some points that will help you know how you can help your baby speak. Let's read them out: Use sign language If you want to teach your child basic signs, you don’t need to be a master of sign language. For example, you can tell your baby milk, mire, and finish in sign language. Young children frequently learn a second language faster than adults. Also, you can ask them to communicate and express themselves at a much younger age. You will sign the word "more" while pronouncing it aloud. Repeat this process until your youngster understands the sign and correl...