Entertaining Your Home Bound Preschooler: 3 Tips

With the global outbreak of Covid 19 or Coronavirus as it is more known as, your Montessori in San Dimas, CA may be closed till further notice. If that happens, the first few days may be honky dory, but the longer this self-isolation will continue, harder it will be entertain your pre-schooler. So, to help you in advance, here are 3 tips on how to entertain them while his or her preschool in San Dimas, CA is closed. Have fun with play doh One of the best toys in the market, that is both cheap and versatile is a play doh. Buy in different colors and don’t forget various shapes and sizes for them to play with. If you are worried about it getting stuck on your floor, make sure you spread a plastic spread or a washable cloth on your floor and then let them have fun. Such a game is not only fun but will help your child use his creativity, increase his tactile senses as well as hands-eye coordinate. Plus, he or she can play this without supervision and since it is gende...